Why is it that the fewer the ingredients in packaged goods, and the more clean they are the more expensive!? Clean crackers can range anywhere from $6-$12 a box! This weekend I decided to make my own crackers using just two ingredients....Yup two ingredients! (Well three if you count water as an ingredient) Now dont freak out when you read the directions to make these, It will sound a lot more complicated than it actually is. There are a few steps to get the crispiness factor right, but its not complicated. Just take it one step at a time! I buy ground flax meal at Trader Joes, but make sure you buy the flax seed already grounded, dont attempt to use whole pieces. Bobs Red Mill is also a great brand I love for flax meal and you can find it on Amazon by clicking here. All It takes is two cups of flax and 1 cup of water to form the dough, Then you can season it with whatever you want! I used my favorite Braggs 21 seasoning which is listed on my favorite products page. Everything but the bagel seasoning, or adding in some seeds to the batter is also a great choice! Once you mix the flax with the water, and add your seasoning, you can keep mixing until a dough is formed When you line your sheet with parchment paper you are going to want to spray it with some non- stick spray and then roll the dough out by placing another parchment paper on top. Make sure to spray both parchment papers with non-stick spray for rolling the dough out. Once the dough is all rolled out you can then score the dough into crackers. Make them as thick or thin as you would like they will not change shape when baking since there is no baking soda or powder in this recipe.
I cant wait to try some other ideas for making my own crackers! I am thinking something sweet or cheesy next! Ingredients: 2 cups flax-meal 1 Cup water Desired Seasoning Directions 1.) Preheat the oven to 400 F. Place one sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet and spray with non-stick spray. Take another piece of parchment paper (the same size) and spray with non-stick spray and set aside. 2.) Mix flax meal with water and desired seasoning for cracker. Mix well so seasoning is incorporated. 2.) place the dough on top of parchment paper on backing sheet, and add the other sheet set aside on top (sprayed side down). 3.) Roll out the dough or just press on the parchment paper until the dough has flattened out. I would try to make the dough super thin so it crisps easier. 4.) remove the top sheet of parchment paper and set aside you will need it later. 5.) Score the dough with lines to make square cracker shapes (be careful not to cut through the paper) 6.) Sprinkle seasoning on top and press down. 7.) Bake for 15 minutes. Then remove from the oven and place the sheet of parchment paper on top. Take another baking sheet and place on top of that, and flip the sheet over so now the other side of the crackers are facing up. 8.) remove the top sheet of parchment paper (some might stick which is okay). Add back into the oven for 15 minutes. 9.) remove pan from the oven and break apart the squares to place on the other baking sheet (make sure to spray it first) Bake the separated squares for 25-30 minutes. 10.) Let the crackers cool completely before eating. If you have some left over...(recipe should make about 45-55 crackers) You can store them in an airtight container and leave out for 5-7 days. You can also store these in the fridge and then pop them in the toaster oven to crisp up if you want to save for a later time. Let me know if you re-make these, and what flavor combos you choose! These are a great way to get in that daily fiber! @stephi.paige
About MEHi there, Im Stephi Paige! Archives
May 2020